Blood on the Forums XX - Mathematician’s Hell - Evil Wins - 3/10

Hey Hazard, you’re the expert. Is BOTC majority usually 50%, or more than that?

usually exactly 50%

Alright, I’m changing it. I’ll make an announcement so everyone knows.

Going to head out now so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

out of all these characters i can confirm that
i am a
pixie, noble, high priestess, mathematician, savant, amnesiac, lunatic, and recluse

or well
i was a noble before i got disowned

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and i became a high priestess after that
so i wasnt ever all of these at the same time

A change is being made. A majority vote will constitute at least 50% of living players.

Majority is 6.



looking through all the characters, i am a
empath, recluse, dreamer, mathematician, savant, artist, sweetheart, klutz, witch, pit hag, pacifist, lunatic, moonchild, amnesiac, high priestess, lycanthrope (arguable), noble (former), pixie, damsel, heretic, lil’ monsta

I am an innocent flowergirl who dropped my basket and took up coldblooded mercenary work.


i am an active heretical high priestess of thoth


idk wtf a glykon is
also its generally hard not to drop a basket when youbutworse pins you to the wall with hundreds of glass shards


I dropped the basket sooner than that. Oops.



i should probably post less

Oh hey, this template actually works really well. Stolen from XVI.


Nominator Nominee # Voters
Intensify Litten 3 Intensify, Cause, Hazardwaste
Litten Intensify 2 Litten, thepigeonnyc
Nightingale Kiiruma 1 Nightingale
Marluna Storytellers 2 Marluna, Leafia
Not Voting 4 Kiiruma, May, Crazynuto, Silviu200530

Litten (3): Intensify, Cause, Hazardwaste
Intensify (2): Litten, thepigeonnyc
Storytellers (2): Marluna, Leafia
Kiiruma (1): Nightingale

Not Voting (4): Kiiruma, May, Crazynuto, Silviu200530

Okay I am finally awake. Who wants a whisper

I’m here

/whisper Marsun