Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

me when i just tell my mez word to everyone publicly

So stop listening to Mayhater.

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i am a member of the evil team

i am a member of the evil team

how would you know it’s not the case unless you deliberately stole my role :thinking:

okay idk idfk IDKFOGhjtg


@iamagummybear we did it

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i really wish they would stop joking because they actually risk losing good the game


Mayhater made a world and showed it to me :+1: This does wonders for convincing

well im good and im locked in w/ my vote

if i lose you can laugh at me but I WILL CRY so don’t laugh too hard

Beause MAYHATER is evil obviously. Duh.

nah people have to vote raincloud

amd its fake lol

No you’re not.

i couldn’t construct ANY world w raincloud/mayhater this makes infinitely more sense

no one constructed a perfect world

im evil im evil im evil

im not town

Cange your vote now orwe lose.

im not changing