Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

oh there was a link

i thought it was just the wierd letter coloring they had going on

anyways we should still murk raincloud

i agree but we’re both gonna look pretty bad if we’re wrong so let’s hope we are right !!


two people who will not know whether they’re right until most likely the end of the game

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Alright. Whisper 1 completed. Anybody else want to chat?

@Jarek whisper broken btw

oh yeah @May i guess i broke our whisper

i can chat

Sure I’d be up for that.

/whisper @Kiiruma (you make it)

/Accept (Fine)

y’all should vote raincloud

Whisper broken @benguinedparbecue as I don’t think we’re gonna get much more out of each other other than what’s essentially a 1-for-1 D1 lol.

I have 1 whisper left if anybody wants it.

i also have 1 whisper left if anyone wants it (claim it now if you want it, i probably won’t be available again until late evening)

@Someone up to you.
I can’t respond to that neighbour whisper since I don’t exactly have enough words left.
There’s some good ways to use it but with you being drunk(?) it might not matter too much.


Look, I have like 2 words left to them and they asked me something to do with their ability but I wouldn’t be able to respond to it lol