Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

There literally isn’t a world where MAYHATER is good here.

Ok I did have a reason to do that tho with lizards

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Mayhater isn’t Someone

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kiiruma you have done literally nothing to beat the aligned with raincloud allegations

Day 1, even when the raincloud vote is in vogue you’re pushing the someone exe
Day 3, you’re the first to challenge what mayhater says when they said to vote raincloud, before they’re even “outed evil”

ok when there is no script I tend to just go crazy

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Yeah there’s no reason for MayHater to do this here if good.
And Benguined’s aligning themselves with MayHater against Me/Rain

i hope everyone realizes that if i was evil the easiest thing to do would be to discredit mayhater and just vote gummy. there is no reason for me to risk it all by going all in on a mayhater vanity project in this world

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Because MAYHATER is obvious evil and there’s no room for Kiiruma to be evil too.

…so you’re admitting you’re aligned with rain?

There’s even less reason to do it if you’re good.

also kii has yet to talk about this

I think we’re both good.
I’m saying you’re trying to be against and align Me/Rain.


You really threw the cat amongst the pigeons huh?
Why would you do this if you’re good.

i thought it was a really good play

kii i urge you to just think for a sec if u are somehow good. YOU agrre that socialy RainCloud looks the worst. now u are given mechanical reason n u dont listen i dont get u

You’re literally outed scum. Why should anyone listen to you?

i do strongly apologize. I didnt have enough familiarity with BoTC customs. I genuinely didnt even mean to join this game so I wanted to have fun and do something cool after falling flat in LIZARDS

I’m not buying this for a second. You’ll say anything you can to get town to misvote, won’t you?

if its any consolation I am Marshal

and do have some level of a pattern of fakeclaiming late to accomplish something i think is mechanically best (see LIZARDS)

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