Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins


I keep mixing yall up due to your names being the same


its too easy

mayhater are you intent on giving everyone heart attacks

it’s really not as funny as you think


look if it’s gummy then well played gummy. your socials did more to convince me it wasn’t you than mayhater ever did

im too good

Mayhater is outing evil.
Do not vote for Raincloud here.
They’re even arguing you’re the Mutant and you’re not, right?!

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You’re literally going to lose the game for the town and you know it.

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im just joking chill

This is a bad-faith argument


It’s not though, Mayhater’s result is literally wrong.

well it’s not im not THAT good

i can’t believe im this good lmfao

im going to kms

I did not come into this day wanting it to be RainCloud and I think tilt has influenced my decisions somewhat but it feels most correct and I have to follow my heart

MAYHATER has been outed evi for quite a while now Benguin.