Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

I honestly got 0 clue cuz

2/4 demons move

and there can be bonus evil due to mez

Funny how him and I never even whispered then and how you’re not pushing worlds where he’s evil.

In fact, both my possible partners want me dead.

do evils really need to whisper each other in lil monsts

Attempt to setup votes without pinging everyone


Edit: Votes have been fixed.

well i gotta go

There’s 4 character types.

Townsfolk: Players on the good team with abilities which help the good team
Outsider: Players on the good team with abilities which hinder the good team
Minion: Players on the evil team with abilities support the demon / harm the good team
Demon: The flagbearer

There should at base count be 5 Townsfolk, 2 Outsiders, 1 Minion, 1 Demon.
Due to the different options for modification on this script there could be between 0 and 4 outsiders with 3 to 7 townsfolk… 1-2 minions and 0-1 demon

The best mechanical info we could have atm would be noble, dreamer, seamstress or artist.

The first vote is a nomination

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and every other vote is a normal vote

If they want to know what each other are and to plan things out they do and who says it has to be a Lil Monsta game?

VOTE: Someone


Good. It works.

VOTE: RainCloud

so how does this point to someone being evil?

I did say that yes.
However I recognise that with the script there’s more sources
Drunk, Poisoner, Pukka, Vigor (Not N1)
I did even say to the person in question that they could potentially be Pukka poisoned.

One of the 4 best mechanical infos (Obviously not Artist, since that’s what Someone is claiming) has info pointing towards Someone.

Ok what should I artist question

to help us out