Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins


Someone asked

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/whisper MAYHATER

You seem to be here. Alt whispering to alt now.


raincloud on a mission to use up all three of their whispers as soon as humanly possible

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I’ll likely save the third one for later.

To much whispering :thinking:

yea im down to whisper anyone if they are chill

/accept @RainCloud

(u create it)

we shouldkill the ants

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alts but ants too i hate ants

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imagine if the 2 alts are the evils

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honestly in down

I know I’m not evil.

also 3 whispers is based

2 would be even better

bro u broke whisper cmon. i have 3 whispers a day and u break it immediately?

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Nah. Three is perfect.

murder em

Oops. Sorry. Thought we were done talking. My bad.