Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

I claimed Oracle D1 bub so that argument doesn’t fly.
As for Mayhater stuff look 2 people have claimed Dreamer. I’ve told them both to dream me.

You literally told me to tell everyone that i was actually your pixie. When im just. Not.

Im the real oracle

You’re wrong but it’s fine.
As you said it yourself you’ve not really played this game before :D

I lied about it! Im not sure what youre doing, maybe youre drunk who knows, but idk whats going on.

I said for you to say that for your own sake.
As most others realise I’m the real oracle and I’m trying to not get you killed because I think you’re GOOD.

Mayhater’s results are just very obviously wrong. Im not mutant. If theres a way to prove it, i wojld do it

Dude you ARENT the real oracle

Yes I am.
You’re the only one who thinks otherwise.

Consider i wohld not be so adamant about this if i was actually mutant or pixie.

Look Gummy I’m not even pushing you.

No in fact other people have said they believed me.

They believe you to be Mutant

theoretically a non-mutant could just claim mutant and, therefore, prove themselves as not mutant


  • I dont know how that would work with N.1s madness rules
  • I think thats a super slippery slope i dont wanr to go down

I was thinking about doing this! Should I?

Mutant madness breaks can last for the entire game, the ST does not have to kill the Mutant straight away in response to it. They can do it at any point during the game.

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Idk the evil team very much feels like mayhater and kiiruma to me.

thats a good point but also its a reason why real mutant would never do that.

and idk again how N would rule it if someome was asked/coerced to do it

That’s impossible.

How so?