Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

bro if i was mutant i would just be like oopsie yeah I am kii’s pixie

if I was kii’s pixie I would have just admitted it by now

Wrong. You wouldn’t do either of those things.

why not…

also who are you to tell me what I would or would not do

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Because with Pixie, that would be breaking madness, something a pixie would never do.

Mutant I actually could see a mutant potentially claiming that, hoping to get executed.

i mean the pixie would literally claim pixie if people were sus lmao

No they wouldn’t.

bro i would ;( im not well-versed in botc and it seems worth it vs a townie miskill

Not. Gummy.

It guarantees a townie miskill that way though because people are going to execute the pixie no matter what in that case and won’t believe them when they claim to be pixie after their execution. Because a pixie that has broken madness is as good as dead.

Also to address your most recent discussion Rain and Gummy, different people treat madness in different ways. I know players who will just outright break it without care, I know some who won’t unless a certain circumstance calls for it and I know some who won’t break it at all.

As the saying goes on BotCU: EMPATH
Everyone May Play As They wisH

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Then May. VOTE: May

So with Gummy saying that they’d think people would break it if they’re sussed, that just gives us a glimpse into Gummy’s playstyle and that’s perfectly fair. Not everyone plays hard into madness.

I’m still never going to trust a living pixie claim.

Eh that’s up to you too.
I’ve been in games with a living pixie claim and if it’s consistent with my worldbuilding I’ll sometimes trust it.

@May can you claim please

She claimed Noble a while ago before claiming that she wasn’t actually the Noble.

She’s still claiming that the noble ping that she claimed is real though.


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