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just like the hit movie titanicā€¦

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you guys dont get the twist yet

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this is like that part in the titanic movie

Iā€™m the woman in that movie that lived to be really old and then threw the watch of my lover that died for me off the boat for no reason

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pretty sure the 7 lifeboat people die

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you guys wouldnā€™t want to sink me right :point_right:t4: :pleading_face: :point_left:t4:

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that would be pretty cool

we know lmao

so my suggestion

let me survive so we all die

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Ha haā€¦hey I am in

vote cast :blush:

wtf is this lifeboat the oceangate sub get me out

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Okay okay, itā€™s starting now.

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yeah thats why boats is fun

and we can kill 8 people in a single event here

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If I win I get access to a sick boat

Explodes Jinrou with Mnd

@Zugzwang has been selected to enter the lifeboat. You have three minutes to choose a single player to join you.

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what did i enter XD

we dont know whichway this event goes tbh.

but I admire your confidence. no way you look like a silly goofer for it.