Welcome to BOATS.

  • While you are here, you may not speak in any other game chats, public or private.
  • You have all found yourself on a capsizing ship.
  • You have access to a single lifeboat. However, the lifeboat only seats up to 7 people.
  • You will all privately vote on who should be the first person to get in the lifeboat.
  • After the initial entrant has been selected, they will choose a player to join them.
  • The player they choose will choose another player to join them.
  • This repeats until all but one player is on the BOAT.
  • You may NOT discuss who to select. You simply state your choice. You have three minutes from the time you are selected to state your choice, or it will be randomized.
  • This topic will be made public after the game.

Are there any questions about the rules before we begin?

fuck i immediately spoke after getting the message

you’re not in trouble, just don’t do it again

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wait so privately vote you just vote in your rolecard right

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can we discuss about who should be the first person in

Can you post a list of the participants? It’s hard to reference who’s in the event on mobile.

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Votes for who should be the first to join the BOAT can be submitted either in rolecard or in Discord DM to Arete.

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this. everything else is clear to me

sweet (I’ll dm)

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can you vote yourself

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  1. @Jinrou
  2. @Frostwolf103
  3. @ElizaThePsycho
  4. @Yawn
  5. @Zugzwang
  6. @carbonated
  7. @Jarek
  8. @Artemis


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so basically this is a game of popularity whee

well there goes my entire plan

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if you guys let me survive we can ensure 100% deathrate


When someone is picking who’s next, do they just post it in here?

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in rolecard i think

no wait i lied