BOTC/BOTF Discussion Thread 2

They’re all threatening in their own ways. Shabaloth usually chomps through games the quickest, hence why it’s the most threatening. Zombuuls can mess with town’s information and force heavy reevaluation. The Pukka is hideously insidious in a way that custom scripts don’t really show. Po is the dragon warrior.

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I think Pukka works on BMR because it’s the only form of evil-sided droison on the script, and kills are arbitrary enough that weird day-delayed nightkills can’t sometimes go amiss.

pukka works on BMR because no storyteller has ever actually understood how it functions and therefore have leeway to make the game actually interesting

It’s really not that complicated.

Anyway, since it was brought up earlier.
I like Summoner for being a quiet, inoffensive Minion that can control the Demon type and the player in a strategic manner. I was thinking about when we might see a starting-info Minion, actually.

“You learn three bluffs” is boring, some alternative information like a Godfather would’ve been cool, but whatever. The other half of the ability is fine. I’m guessing this will be the safety net on one of the next released scripts.

Aside from that, I don’t really care too much.

Wait can the summoner pick themselves

can’t wait for how ici has to patch steeplejack with this (or if she just doesn’t)

Summoner (Minion): You learn how many Townsfolk wake for 2 nights. On the 3rd night, choose a player: they become an evil Demon of your choice. [No Demon]

I think this sounds like it would’ve been a cool alternative to just learning bluffs, since that’s the Demon’s thing and Snitch already does that. By learning how many characters wake up and when, you can figure out whether it’s safer to bluff day roles or whatever. The “night” and “typing” also feels thematically tied to the N3 ability.

Yes, but that’s one less evil.

okay but imagine losing because you accidentally found your way into a doubleclaim as the flagbearer

The exact same argument could be said for a Lil’ Monsta Minion. The Summoner only has to survive two days before the game breaks open.

i agree that that’s clunky and it’s really the only usecase for snitch

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Learning out of play characters just feels overtuned.

RAW the demon doesn’t get bluffs when they’re created midgame. someone’s gotta get it, the lack of killpower for a night is already enough of a downside

Just patch it so the Demon learns their information, sure. I don’t mind.
I just don’t want the Summoner to have it.

I am petty and small-minded like that.

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isnt it single-minded

Single-minded means focused and/or determined, like on a task, while small-minded means “having or showing rigid opinions or a narrow outlook”.

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i guess i was too small-minded for that one


Here’s how I’d run a Mez giving the word to the Goon. The Goon stays evil the entire game.