BOTC/BOTF Discussion Thread 2

I recently played in a botc game where it was Lil monsta and I was holding the baby

and like
town had a fortune teller who also got clockmaker results
an artist who also had fisherman
an investigator who got one of our minions along with amne ability to know which head is closer to the demon
a seamstress with an undertaker power

we got execured d1 and I still dunno what the hosts expected like, did they expect evils to have a chance of winning? not getting executed d1?

and a pixie washerwoman confirming the FT

It is wrong lol

The text implies all the info comes from the original Pagan (Good Townsfolk learn the info then become Pagans) so your ST wanted to watch the world burn

And if the OG pagan is poisoned they can’t send out info or change peoples characters

there was no poison on the script either; people had no reason to doubt their info, aridst removed two demon candiates FT removed two and like
we just got slaughtered mechanically

…how does ft clockmaker work? or any of this?

let me find the script

evils had like
no chance in a non leech game
I dunno what hosts were thinking when making that grim

I’m not all that worried by it because certain players will have their tics, and Yagga doesn’t need to be confirmed in-play anyway. Magnus tends to say “I think” an awful lot, you’re not going to execute them just in case it’s a Yagga game

Anyway tbh if you actually run it correctly and… dont hate legion

Pagan is fine in shortform

But uh
Still good legion :wowee:

I think it’s probably bad that it can be mechanically strategized around bt forbidding people from saying certain phases

Wait this script has Oracle/Minstrel


Like if it’s a yag and you prevent people from speaking in a certain way evils have no KP
Botc isn’t a game where you should be able to optimize the fun out of the game

Virgin meta in the corner with a steel chair:

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it was very unplayable for me
we had

we got boxed out d1 and executed and if you ran the same grim town would win almost all of them

Are you going to Blue's Clues players into only using Newspeak? Because otherwise I can’t see a way to confidently shut down huge swathes of language while still permitting active solving.

Caveman speak only. May good.

The Virgin meta is still bad because it wouldn’t ever catch the Demon, the Minions would have at least a day to coordinate bluffs, and it puts the onus on one player to solve who might not be the most experienced and/or capable