BOTC/BOTF Discussion Thread 2

Changed my vote to make it closer

Unlimited whisper reenactment:

/whisper Litten Solving headquarters

Hey Hazard what’s your claim again



Okay fine I’m not actually mad anymore /whisper Litten

/break We solved the game

WAIT NO WE DIDN’T /whisper Litten

/break Litten is evil


And then this repeats indefinitely

I prefer limited because it’s more realistic.
If you were playing in person you can’t exactly talk to the entire group in 1 day
I say because I play in person and usually have 15+ players in a game.

It’s much more likely you’ll speak to like 3-5 and it gets less and less because STs will speed games up as they go along.

Is the alternative just EIMM voting where you can whisper anyone whenever silently?

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or like theoretically you could have whisper limits + all whispers silent

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I didn’t consider that as an option because it just sounded antithetical to BotC.

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okay but counterpoint
a whisper window like an ita window is a better idea than limited whispers

The issue with a whisper window is that it might obstruct certain players from whispering each other, because they would both have to meet the same windows; unlike ITA windows where you only have to meet one.

The idea is that you’d place it at the very start of the day or something where everyone is expected to be online, like the end of the day
Every method has its disadvantages tbf

@Kiiruma @Litten @May @Daeron
What about the circular vote locking appeals to you four, in longform?

@Litten The script was not made for 7 people silly. it was made for 12, one of the hosts just wanted a smaller player count and thats the player count the picked.
dont spread lies in a place of lies smh

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its not meant to be…
as one of the hosts (but not the maker of the script)
we tried to balance it the best we can.

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For me it’s once again about realism.
If you’re in the nomination phase votes will just be cast from the person after the nominee and then locked in there.
I think that having things which make it more like regular BotC is preferential to me.

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We are continuing to move away from BotC and toward a game that doesn’t reflect BotC, but is a weird imitation placing a ton of plasters on issues inherent on a forum adaptation of a game which in turn create more issues…

There is a reason why BotC features vote locking. There’s a reason why BotC allows infinite whispers in a dedicated time frame.

In my view, the objective for BotF should be to resemble as close to BotC as possible. The current regime we have to solve issues of porting BotC to forums is embracing its differences, whereas I think we should be trying to avoid making them different.

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And yet the whole ‘your vote will lock so you’d better use it wisely’ thing got removed

its confusing, rarely ever effects the game state, and puts a lot more work on rhe hosts

I just like the voting method? It’s how botc is usually ran and it seems to be more unique to botc and it opens up some strategies back of it.

Also this is just blatantly wrong, the amount of times a random good player or evil player gets executed because votes lock are really high

Regarding vote locking, it does effectively turn a votecount into a spreadsheet for the hosts to personally manage. For any players who understand the significance of vote locking, aka those who have played BotC before, they can and will simply withhold their vote until they’re confident enough in placing it; there’s no immediate time limit. For anyone who hasn’t played BotC before, no written explanation will suffice. They’ll cast a vote, they’ll try to change it, whoops it was locked, sometimes it isn’t locked, it will feel arbitrary to them. That was my impression

While you can read votes in real time and make snap, exciting decisions based off that, you can instead police votes in BotF and force particular voting orders. The living players all vote first, the dead players vote later… I’m unsure whether there are any voting strategies here that could hoodwink experienced players except in a XELO scenario?

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