BOTC/BOTF Discussion Thread 2

on stream it ended because the st misread the lm mario jinx and didn’t tell the mario they had the baby

realistically summoner should’ve been jinxed with courtier but it is what it is

i mean courtier isn’t jinxed with Al-had but everyone understands that interaction is cheeks nevertheless

Off-balance creatures, my favorite


This is blurry but it’s the best I got without joining their discord

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Educated Woman

It’s missing some of the demons

That being said dang gu is really funny because half the town becomes evil and it’s a matter of town using their insanely powerful abilities while avoiding the instant execution of the witch ect ect

Here are the demons

Super mad is a new term introduced
If people question you or don’t believe you, you can be executed


Mega Klutz is super funny too

Litten did you seriously take a phone picture to get the grimoire

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Fang Guru allowing +1 to infinite outsiders is so silly

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Snake Charmer is 0 to infinity

it should’ve just guaranteed a lunatic tbh

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But yeah the script would be
Very interesting

Town has so much powerful roles but also evils is like jumping and dunking on town constantly

Vortox is probably the weakest demon but it forces them to not kill dead bodies which can help