BOTC/BOTF Discussion Thread 2

just make a dead player supermad. problem?

dead players are not allowed to make judgements lest they fall victim to triggering another dead player’s supermadness

vortox clause should’ve just been a fabled

“Name a Demon. If in play, each day, if no-one is executed, evil wins.”
and vortox should’ve just been
“Each night*, choose a player; they die. Townsfolk abilities yield false info.”

Why is this the first issue that comes to mind

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You don’t get it
It’s extreme

Each day townsfolk yield false information and you choose what false information is yielded


okay fair but I mean for the seperation of vortox’ game-executing mechanic into a fabled
bc there are scripts where that mechanic (which I propose as a fabled) could shine without having to, well, implement vortox


if you seperate vortox’ instant win mech into a fabled, and just name vortox as the demon applicable to the fabled on scripts its intended for, then normal vortox (without the instant win mech) can be run on more scripts as well as the instant win mech being implemented on scripts its actually needed

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I trust magnus to run the script magnus run it

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Magnus is the only one able to get away with running the script



where are the travellers


I wonder what extreme barista looks like

extreme deviant

if the ST found you funny, you decide who gets executed today


Deviant - If you are funny today, you can’t be exiled. Anyone who called for your exile that day will die.

Is that even in sects and violets


the “instant win mech” was never really meant to be that it’s moreso a means to an end so that everyone can’t just test town crier/flower girl/oracle to instantly confirm vortox. it just also happens to have the side effect of adding urgency to executions

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deviant is S&V yes

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extreme barista picks both a player and whether they act twice or are soberhealthy. don’t ask how balanced this is with evil barista

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