BOTC/BOTF Discussion Thread 2

But like

i’d have to see the jinxes. rn it’s currently nonfunctional in riot, among other things

to be fair its not. Going to ever be helpful

it’s just such a nothing character

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It could be an Outsider in context, as anything could be; a Cleopatra-esque killer who needs to guess voters, or a poison vote conduction Minion or whatever. That doesn’t make it relevant individually, though.

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It does take away a decision you could make, and gives you nothing in return

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Cannibal has same jinx as Butler
in Riot it must nominate again if its nominated
It might register as evil to Vizier and Legion

something something demon gets put on the block by one vote even though the zealot didn’t want to vote for them


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but yeah people already hate butler for being boring (this opinion is cringe but it is widespread) and this is objectively a more boring version of that

nah i think people hate butler for making it harder to vote

people seem to love zealot

with even less chance of meaningful game impact

if it functioned even with less than 5 players it could be interesting as a role that wants to die before the final day. but as is it’s just. nothing.

side note the flavor is hilarious



did may write this flavor

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“TPI are cowards who won’t challenge the puritan zealots who player Blood on the Clocktower. We deserve characters that push boundaries.”

wait a month i think we’re gonna get Hwisp

worse matsuraid :yawning_face:

ah yes

hwisp, the demon centred on Blue's Clues ing nominations

is worse matsuraid


Barista 2’d Philo. Chooses Banshee and Zealot for some reason