BOTC/BOTF Discussion Thread 2

also we know f7 has to be exactly alsaahir, banshee, hp, ogre, zealot, summoner, yagga and that f3 is exactly zealot, yagga, hp. this example gives us a lot to work with

they didn’t know Yagga is a “might” and thought that if the Yagga just said the phrase 15 times after getting off the block they’d instantly win

The alternative was Leviathan.

yagga has st directed kills so we can’t laugh at the kill choices too hard i guess. but unless banshee got exe’d in f7 we know they got nightkilled at some point, and if banshee did get exe’d in f7 summoner got nightkilled at some point

I’ve played one game with a Banshee and they got nightkilled so

I think judging by the F5 the Banshee got executed on F7 because why isnt she voting. The alsa probably got nightkilled because they didnt win. Yagga doublekill hit the Summoner because the Ogre was also evil

i would say something something quizbowlcord but kills are storyteller directed so. can’t even laugh at the demon Blue's Clues

most plausible scenario

well the ogre also had to have gotten nightkilled at some point, since they’re not in f3. yagga doublekill hitting two evils is heat

id expect at least 1 evil nightkill if evil ogre

Maybe good was convinced the zealot was the demon

zealot seems like a hilarious demon bluff actually because you’ll draw so much heat people will just be like “why would a demon do this”

How would it be damaging am I misunderstanding

why did they never nominate the zealot then

okay i forgot the zealot would have to self vote. miiiiiiildly outsidery nuance

actual yagga nommed the high priestess for some reason and she counternommed because she is omgus queen

they didn’t nominate zealot in f5 either

makes it in general easier to get people on the block. Means evil needs to convince less people to get their pushes through, since the zealot is always voting them. Can really hurt with extra evil players.

I don’t think it really hurts nearly as much as some other outsiders but. It ain’t an Acrobat lmao

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this is the better case scenario for the zealot. their other almanac scenario features them whiffing in f3

cerenovus zealot is intrinsically funny because it basically forces the target to have the zealot ability

tbf this is also true of cere butler. but the ceremad player at least has the benefit of waiting to see who died until committing to a “target”