BOTC/BOTF Discussion Thread 2

Hatter is definitely not the same as Barber

Unless you use the optional rule in which case You Are Wrong

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…odd question
how would meze work in real life


sign on the dotted line and say this magic word so I can bound you against your will

…how would the st communicate the meze word without somebody hearing them or external tools

oh you meant in real life

they write it down and show it

Isn’t that what she said from the get go? :see_no_evil:

external tools

look how would you show a math a 10000 in a vortox game

count up to 10000 on my fingers

using your fingers to spell the word is probably more practical than the vortox example

Make sure that you heard / read the secret word correctly!

so using a notebook to communicate to an st is deemed practical

I plan to host the next BoTF after Wazza and Amelia.

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whispers into atlas ear

“Tyrannosaurus Rex”

i cant write down proper words without taking minutes

this game is ableist

i also don’t speak but thats irrelevant to the point

It’s in Forum Queue for reference.

Yeah sadly pink yoshi plushi doesn’t come with a voice box

Did Chloe steal your voice box too??