BOTC/BOTF Discussion Thread 2



The Lord is one of the three goblins in the centre, have fun :)

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The Lord Of Typhon must have an evil character on both sides. They cannot sit at the end of the line of evil characters.


i absolutely don’t see this working with like half the roles and anything within a poles reach of SNV

question how is this liek ran in person

demon token goes out

the townsfolk/outsiders near them get their tokens changed

The Shugenja loves Typhon.

Why couldn’t it be called Typhoon?

Engineer changes demon from Lord of Typhon. One minion is now good and snitches on the rest of the evil team.

Or have Snake Charmer with Lord of Typhon so that the evils don’t have to be all next to each other. Which happened in FoR.

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that’s a setup ability, engineer shouldn’t be able to change that players role anymore imo.


Yeah I REALLY don’t think that’s how it works in the slightest

Say that engineer turns a minion into a baron. It’s not like now the game must have more outsiders

active baron

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sleeping baron

Can they please make Lord of Typhon available on the script tool faster? I have a script in mind for it.

It should be on the script tool now.

NRB BOTC script. actually doesnt look half bad

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if i roll alsahiir i know what i’m guessing on day 1

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not too much to it, i think?

shugenja/cm could just gamesolve but thats it

all lord of typhon scripts probably just have to get carried by drunk/widow though

My first attempt at a Lord of Typhon script.