I listed it as a con.
Lil’ Monsta + Alchemist + 15 player game can overrun the Minion count.
Pros of Experimental Voting System
- Encourages activity, especially during the last 24 hours of the day.
- Gamestate is easier to understand; thus, time-sensitive decisions can be made faster.
- De-emphasizes vote-lock strategies, which tend to be extremely unfun.
- Encourages individual playstyles, rather than “yes on all” every day from some players.
- Storyteller sanity preserved.
- Required Good team coordination to cause a specific execution lowered.
Cons of Experimental Voting System
- Places unwanted emphasis upon being around at the end of the day. This is not as big of a problem in my opinion, given that there is usually unwanted emphasis upon being around at the close of nominations.
- Dead votes are less valuable. This might not be a con, depending on who you ask, but I think it’ll be a con for most of the server.
- It is easier for Evil to change the outcome of an execution, provided a scattered Good team. Normally, a scattered Good team simply results in no execution. Note the last Pro, however.
- Vortox’s strength is changed (stronger if ties normal, weaker if ties are executed). Personally, I think that the Vortox “no-execution” clause should only matter if there’s a Town Crier, Flowergirl, or any other binary nom-related info on script, and so the nerf here is fine. Do not run this voting system in Sects & Violets.
seem good?
the cons is far longer length-wise but this is because I give my opinion on all of them
I like this disclaimer a lot. Nicely worded, Eliza.
who says we can’t have double ups
probably gonna add a line to the end that says “Overall, this voting system simultaneously encourages activity, while reducing punishment for inactive players. It also increases gamestate readability, but dead votes are far less valuable under this system.”
wait there’s a beachcomber + balloonist jinx?
thats amnesiac
im dumb
did i make a voting system im 99% sure i stole it from night or arete
also i still think people should be able to vote multiple people
running it as regular voting though does make it simpler than the spreadsheets of nominations and locked votes and what not though
people can just go
VOTE: Player B
VOTE: Player A
and they’ll show up as voting both
p simple, hardest part as a host would be enforcing nominations (since peopel might forget they can’t vote people not currently nominated if they already nominated someone)
There is another voting system for BoTC, yet I know nothing about it belonging to YBW or not.
Vortox is always iffy with text games, especially with timezones thrown into the mix.
I had a dream we were getting both Druid and Queen today
Knowing what both of these do makes no fucking sense
Shugenja (Townsfolk): You start knowing if your closest evil player is clockwise or anti-clockwise. If equidistant, this info is arbitrary.
Ehhh… It seems alright.
But the fact it’s not a demon (Which a lot of people wanted) nor Hermit makes it meh
The Vizier script is still on.
i have lost faith of pandimonium to hype up their community using the one character per month thing