BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

you had an 11 hour whisper with brak
even if you werent talking the whole time they came out of it very apparently friendly with you when i think youve never talked at the start of the game

Acting “weird” is too vague of a term for me to address properly when you’re sorta just looking inward at my general directives today, unless you sympathise with Litten’s perspective (which I wouldn’t understand) in which case I’ve answered them. Ignoring advice is more or less just me having fun, because I am having fun. Which is usually evil-indicative for me, but I just like U-Picks in general as previously demonstrated so I’d accredit it to that.

and youve just been ignoring what i say when ive been making snide remarks at you since 7h ago

We talked during the beginning, yeah. Brak called me evil and you defended me in turn. Then we went into the chat to discuss mechanics. Those eleven hours were paramount.

if youre having fun why would you choose to not engage with someone trying to gauge a real reaction out of you instead of a joke
ive had way too much fun being pushed that ive gotten executed out of it, even if it happens more to you it still is fun

I don’t think I was awake then. I went to sleep nine hours ago and woke up two hours ago.

'm starting to scumread you because your tone isnt like what ive experienced in the game before as either alignment, your responses to slight pressure is weird, and what youve been doing seems off to me
i solidly dont think youre a minion, i think youre exactly demon or good

Because I frankly didn’t notice what you were saying. Even now I’m drawing a blank on when you spoke about me recently apart from when you inquired about truth-telling and whispers, and everything after the juggle.

dont you backread every game
i started talking about you a few hours ago and i started to make remarks at you since youve shown up

I can safely confirm I do not have a Demon typing or ability, hence the “instantly confirmable” line last night.

@someone you still around

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you can be a demon that jumps.

I try to read every post before responding, and I try to address my thoughts on some matters if I find them relevant, yep. I don’t analyse everything in grave detail though, it’s a cursory read through.

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well if the answer is yes it creates two worlds

I chose the Cerenovus as my Demon type because I thought it would inflict the most amount of suffering to everyone else in the game.


these guys are really about to execute the Saint, huh

am like doing 2 things at once tho

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n i choose atheist so we all win if we abstain till f2


To be entirely earnest, suspecting my slot is a considerable waste of time and energy because it won’t lead anywhere except down a path of destruction.