BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

I claim Slayer and shoot Bionic
I claim Gossip and gossip that the demon is between Bionic and Amelia, counterclockwise
I claim Amnesiac and guess Tutuu


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@Jinxed I claim riot and enable the triple factionall kill


lost count think it was a minute

I want to form a cult


now it is

Marluna do you get more info tonight

…so you get here and you dont claim

I’m still here tests being past out

naw im not spending even more time whats done is done


I’m a spy

@Jinxed :hammer: @Marluna :triangular_flag_on_post: @Brakuren

im going to bed

I think it was the wrong call to Jill basicaly the king but it was hard either way

like mutation and all.

youre apparently dead

Hosts did say they will take a bit

but my formatting is right so its all good, checked like a few hours ago


Can you use non emoji’s please