BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

bruh you litterally said I could


if you are guessing me as mafia it’s gonna fail

/Consult storytellers @jinxed

Hold on

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sssorowy my y fever i si a a little worse soso i wont tbee prorcesys ing in gianny. acatitions foror a a while
rleave that to hhhazzy


atleast speak in german

its all good, hope you get better

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Marluna basically claimed already

es situti mir leid meinen fiebere ahta ein bisschen schlechtenr getowrorden alos i shi cih wirde keine actionen hier machen fuer i an iee bisschene


They claimed to see inplay character each day

i thought of that
thats not. very good.

It’s very good

King is literally so powerful the demon learns who they are

its good exactly once and if you know what mutation character is for what alignment

Im going to sleep

it goes on each time

Not anymore, i guess…

ok snel beterschap