BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

Of course, but I might not want you to.

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How would you know you were attacked?

Suspect I was

dont know for sure, but it would make sense

3 deaths is too much I don’t expect fourth potential deaths

…so the infinite judge alignment learning publically announced player is also infinite bp

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I mean its very possible

there is a drawback, but im not telling anyone what it is lmao

he also fixes mistakes and teaches people to code

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There were three kills last night.

Alright, so… to summarise. You can’t die by any means other than yourself, you can execute anyone so long as anyone is voting them, your role is publicly announced. Is that all right?

naw, and there is a condition on execution

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Ankh-Morpork had dallied with many forms of government and had ended up with that form of democracy known as One Man, One Vote. The Patrician was the Man; he had the Vote. - Litten

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just whisper me, i can tell you more

Why not if you’re unkillable?

Cuz im not letting you use it against me and make me useless

I’m not sure about you guys but siding with the unkillable vizier sounds like a great idea

You can only execute people if they do a specific thing, I think you’re implying.
But it’s not related to the vote thing.

its not fully based on votes yes