BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

There is no world where someone isn’t Minion, as it does feel too weak for Demon

how so?

A whisper condition is something I think should be shared if good, now that the ability’s already been confirmed and Good-Vizier executions shouldn’t go by without peer review. I don’t think Someone is ever the Demon, given the three kills in the night. They have no relation to those three deaths, and unless there’s a fake-announcement Minion and Someone just perfectly went along with it uncoordinated, I don’t buy it.

If Someone’s condition relates to madness or just nothing, given how they’ve insinuated that tight conditions “exist” while also asking for whatever options to kill and making jokes about exing whomever… I dunno.

I don’t know, evils probably has a lot of things, via whispers.

I’m willing to whisper you today, Atlas.


\whisper end

your loss lmao

dont worry
I’m not the demon yet today either!

Might as well tell you since I think evils know now

meant to reply to this

You wanted info…
Why is it my loss?

im very drunk and im just gonna get drunker
are you gonna tell me the truth

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its not 1 sided smh

I don’t want your info, so…

Yes, it’s 1sided

Evils likely did try to attack me last night, unfortunately for them im immune so they are gonna be having fun with that

Only person killing me is myself by being dum

naw lmao

I don’t get why people think nominating the vizier is going to achieve anything besides bad results for the nominator.

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