BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

you guys also thought he couldn’t slam yesterday and was proven wrong

They just got denial

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we’ll move onto bargaining soon enough


Just whisper me and you will skip to step 5

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I’m not wasting an execution on a guy who likely can’t die either


@Magnus we are the crazy people in the horror movie


I will be the man and the vote today if yoy guys try to kill someone

if theyre good they canndie nynexecution, prolly

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I didn’t assume he couldn’t slam. I agreed with Brakuren’s idea of a false feedback messenger, because Hazard and I have discussed the concept before, and Patters also ran the premise in a game. Hence why I wanted it tested. I don’t think Someone’s story is consistent, though.

Claiming “self-restraint” as an initial reason not to hammer before changing his ability up five times.


atlas said nya!

i dont yhink theyd implement actual vizier either as minik

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I never once changed it lmao

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I do leave things out for obvious reasons though, so if thats what you mean then ig sure

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Let’s just hope it’s like cabin in the woods, and we get all the screentime.

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Yes you did.
You initially claimed that you could execute early with one vote, and that was it. Then you added knowing the victim’s alignment and being unkillable and having unsaid conditions on top of that.

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Me waiting for hazzy

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Same, yeah.

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never said that was it lmao

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