BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

Of course it will sound like me

Lil’ Monsta is a long-written token, but it’s still two sentences. Vizier has three moderates sentences yes, but they’re about the same length and I can’t think of any others with three. Which ability has four sentences?


I hate legion tho, so i didnt pick that

Okay, that’s fair. But they’re very short sentences.

I mean idk what to tell you, base Vizier is 3 sentences and none of em are short

each are separate abilities

I’m going by relative length and line disparity on my software to arbitrarily decide “length”. Legion has 124 text characters, Vizier has 115, Fortune Teller has 118, Lil’ Monsta has 116.

I’m dubious of any lizard abilities going over ~200, I think.

fearmonger has 123
psycho has 121
what strange examples.

Establishing a reasonable upper limit, generally speaking, yeah.

vigor has 120
its. probably around there.

How are you feeling, Atlas?

@Marluna this doesn’t work, by the way.

im more sane then earlier, though

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why do you ask?


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I just wanted to check your wellbeing, make sure you were feeling okay.

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im too drunk to parse if theres any meaning of this post
but i do not understand it

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There is no need to be afraid