BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

I agree, but if you changed the “flip” to an active ability and affected something other than wincons, you have an idea there.

Yes. Awesome.
Because it wouldn’t be confirmable in lizards.

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i looked
you’ve seriously used this description on various things (statement and not sarcasm, sorry)

I don’t always have to pull out a Thesaurus whenever I type.

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i thought it was a necessary part!!

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at least i can’t fuck it up if i never even bother!
but now that you did bother!!

But we do not have psychopath in play

At least I hope not

he’s been threatening to kill me all day but I know he cant lmao

I elevate the erudite elocution of my scholarly synonyms whenever I’m trying to blindly bedazzle my corrival competitors.

I don’t always feel the pressing need to do so.

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What is it with you two as of now?

now dawns your reckoning, magnus, for your electoral standpoint in terms of speech has faltered for but a moment

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How many people were applicable for early execution at the end of yesterday, Someone?

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Awesome. That’s really swell. Good for me, then.

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I meant as in evil together

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That would only be for the normal Vizier.

I hate that this could absolutely be the kill lmao.

Minion Riot: Once per game during the day activate your ability. Every minion chooses a player, they die. The demon does not wake up to use their ability.

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It would be nice and audacious, yeah.

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ight im off to sleep good night yall

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Have a good night, Someone. :ghosthug:

now we can play the game without constantly receiving death threats :)