BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

I’m literally confirmed town so by calling me a wolf brak is confirmed wolf

Oh heck so did we have to wait for Otter’s call election to start the election votes? Lol.
If so then

VOTE: Kiiruma’s Election
Let’s do the good ol’ runback

No. Me. Because I’d have the abilities of all dead townsfolk. Also, did I die because I didn’t betray you last night Silvui?

you can vote for otterpopd’s election
still getting over sickness

Please explain my actions FPOV of W!Brakuren

Hint: you can’t

Oh that’s just for Otter.
And we can start elections on ourselves.
Got it.


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i cant confirm how any mechanics work but game-wise all players who voted for your election will be considered voting for your election, no need to revote

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/whisper @Leafia @May

(I am going to start the whisper early, May please say /accept and we’ll put you in, come!)

I picked disagree when asked if I agreed to betray Silvui.


if there’s some mechanical reason for you being town we are all ears

I dont even know what your actions have been ngl

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Ok then

I have 200 posts

Hammer me

this is a bold move

That’s nice?

Litten has 1.2k posts, doesn’t mean Litten is lock town

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