BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

That’s… not my point

Id be VERY surprised if litten wasnt town

his reaction to my town slip in whispers was like almost certainly real

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lemme go reread it to confirm with myself

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Let me guess, are you, the anti-meta person… wanting us to use meta… to help you to be seen as town?
Or saying that within your 200-ish posts that you should be “obv town” by now?


Look I didn’t ask for a social defense I asked for a mechanical one

Well you’re not.

My mechanical defense is Magnus confirms me

If you were obv town, you wouldn’t be a demon candidate bestie

yeah how

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@Someone can you vote for my election?
Just want to ensure that nobody can do a fancy fandangaling

If you don’t know how you haven’t been paying attention


Because 2 wolves are leading town? Why would I care what they say

Litten has been here… almost the entire game, having over 1/4 of posts in this game.
Litten HAS been paying attention, that is just a fact.
You and Magnus had your nice chit chat but that doesn’t help us to read yall



Ok. Apple?

…is this by postcount?

Litten and Someone are very obviously wolves

If litten and someone are evil im like 100% okay handing them the win on a silver platter rn