BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

Last night I had a list of tutuu magnus Brakuren Amelia and Silviu as having the Saint ability.

Off what was said here I have good reason to believe that magnus and Brakuren wasn’t given the Saint ability and wouldn’t have known as to why they should even hide it

Because may lied

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May was a townafolk who gave an outsider ability to an evil player, Silviu is the only one who I can not logically prove why they aren’t the saint. I even asked them if they were the Saint in whispers and they told me “why do I ask”



I will say: If someone asks “Are you (X)?” or implies that there’s a search for that character… and you are the demon… with that character, then you would probably say no and/or claim to be something else. Just saying that you shouldn’t be clearing Brak/Magnus from that yet due to the reasons you’ve stated. But overall it’s a fair enough for now to be looking at Silviu most of all.

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dab on the people who thought I was evil

I asked Silviu if they were the Saint and implied I was the huntsman looking for someone with an outsider ability and then they said “mayb

Why I didn’t bring this up sooner was because may would have yelled at me

Do we know it’s the Saint ability?
Or could it be any outsider ability?

Because I didn’t really have that good reasons to clear magnus or Brakuren b

Yeah we know it’s the Saint ability

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I believe it makes sense to give the Saint ability to the demon, adds pressure and doesn’t make it seem overbearing for the evil team to have two flag bearers

I mean I hate to make a joke, but you’d think a Saint would be holy so that helps prove it’s not me, after all I’m a Harlot :3

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from Mypov it was pretty obvious you were looking for a saint ability

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Yeah we were
But no one knew why

It was pretty obvious

“Claim Saint = Evil”

VOTE: Silviu

The most annoying thing is that if Silviu is demon, there’s a decent chance Marluna is evil too. So evil already knows my ability. So I’m thinking I should just straight up post it.

Not really, there are a lot of other reasons why someone would be looking for a Saint in a lizards game

Oh wait no, Marluna is good. Unless Marluna being minion!Spy means misregistration to Someone.
But still, I claimed to Marluna and Silviu so if Silviu is demon then evil knows my ability.

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Marluna is 100% good

Check your interactions with me, it was pretty obvious. i think you let your intentions slip in the heat of the moment

Marluna did claim Spy. Spy has a base ability of registering as good and a townsfolk/outsider.
So it’s entirely possible you’d mis-see Marluna

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