BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

IMOORTANT anoukcnet in 20 mins btw

Is the announcement that you have found a keyboard?

No the demon not brak not mafnjs

Oh? How’d you gather that?

I’m class

May fucked evils lmao


I look forward to it, this should be good

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Okay heres it goes I’m done with class


Alrighty, I mean May died N2 so May having strong information is something very interesting and exciting


So you guys remember me getting yelled at by both may and magnus for talking about saints right

Well I’m not a dumbass I did that for a very explicit reason and it’s paying divends right now


@may you are dead but I was going through the topic yesterday finding as much evidence as I could to logically try to explain why certain people can’t be the saint and I have gathered enough evidence to construct a reason why one person is the saint, and why they are evil, and why they are the demon



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First I want to go by explaining why I cleared people of being the saint before I actually talk about why finding the Saint is important

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Both of these people were being heavily pushed yesterday and almost died, and yet both vehemently denied being the saint. It’s quite clear that neither of these are the Saint for this reason, as a Saint would have claimed there when the vizier was staring daggers/people were staring daggers into them. Not to mention, derp had a very in-depth discussion with someone yesterday and today and didn’t bring it up at all, when they probably would have because they revealed roke info to someone.


Leafia is dead and Brakuren is tied to magnus. Brakuren and Magnus were in my list of five people last night of who the Saint could be. Brakuren however was there as a backup option, as I was skeptical that they wouldn’t blab their mouth as soon they were informed they have the Saint ability. I thought perhaps Brakuren spoke to magnus to inform them that they were the Saint - however, there was a very interesting discussion thing magnus brought up, where they stated that may was probably lying. Sure magnus could make this up, but may asked magnus if they were Saint and they denied it, without knowing why may was doing it. For the longest time I thought magnus knew may role and that’s why they wouldn’t claim, yet may revealed and magnus revealed that they didn’t know their role. I’m fine with clearing both of these from being the Saint


Otter was socially pure in their discussions, and I asked them randomly if they were the Saint or were informed of that. Otter wasn’t paying enough attention to realize why they shouldn’t reveal it - it is their personality trait this game to reveal any information they have which is why they immedaitelt claimed mayor. If they were informed of being the Saint, I’m 99% they would have open claimed it. Kiiruma is confirmed to be an ohtsider and I’m also litten.



I already cleared magnus from being the saint by proof of logic or at least tried to, think it’s sound. Tutuu was in my list because they were cagey about everything about their role and I thought maybe they would hide being the saint.which is why I checked them. I got information that colloaebtes their role, and they didn’t mention being the Saint in the chat with me and atlas.


Someone is the vizier and it would be pretty bad manners to use a townafolk ability to put a Saint abikity on the vizier… I thought my information last night might have been tainted due to me plotting and scheming and my information maybe being tainted by me telling the hosts that but no, it wasn’t, I can confirm their role, the hosts do their best to fallsciate a good game and make sure you have fun with the abilities, I have faith someone isn’t the saint, same way I had faith that my ability wasn’t tailored by me. Amelia could be the Saint I guess. I don’t have a lot of reason to disprove this. I think they would maybe have claimed it though since they claimed their whole role, why not that you were targeted to build some trust to colloabrte may ability.

There’s only one person in the game that I’m confident that wouldn’t have outted Saint ability immedaitelt, and that’s Silviu.

I think Silviu was given the Saint ability. I also think Silviu has a good chance of being evil here because of that


Hm… I mean that is possible.
I do think that the kills yesterday were clearly coordinated, so if we’re thinking the demon is an Angel, I think they also have to be relatively active.

And bare in mind that Silviu talked to me (Outsider count confirmed) and Marluna (Good according to Someone)

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