BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

do your best. i’ll do one better.

Atlas is right but I want to tackle someone so let me tackle someone

Alright, let’s tackle Someone.

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no not that someone!

derps could be pushing amelia just because derps
you havent stated why you think amelias bad other then them just being poe

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Imagine if Someone actually also has the Saint ability.
And it’s Saint + Vizier together.

No one was mad that they were evil yesterday, and no one (besides me currently, but I was planning on killing outside this and not mentioning them at all today) was mad they were evil today

…unexectuable unnightkillable judge public announced whisperer
this is what tpi wanted

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I don’t have hard evidence, I just know that Silviu could be a bit more forward about things and often is. The “maybe” feels a bit weird to see.

I’ve just got done with all my exams so I want to tackle someone so I’m tackling someone

To be fair it’s only Someone who’s said about the unkillable thing, we don’t actually have evidence of it.

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there was people pushing amelia yesterday, and people saying theyre good would be just so they dont have to deal with them any longer
one night drunk is worth not wasting a demon kill and wasting an exe

thats just silviu

now im actually leaving
i might get drunk again later so you’l all have to deal with that


now that atlas is gone I can be unreasonable again in peace

Note to self: Atlas’ ability (To post / contribute) might malfunction tonight :3

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no you cant im still here im filling up my water


god dammit

Unfortunate that I’m still here.

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