BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

magnus is in charge
now im leaving leaving

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Nah it’s always good for you to be here

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I can be unreasonable even with you here

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Vizier is now in charge

I’m suffering from severe whiplash


So long as you admit when you’re being unreasonable, that’s fine.

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I don’t deny being unreasonable right now

Being unreasonable is like a virtue.

Ok so we’re killing Amelia today is the plan in the end?

“Guys Magnus and Brakuren are confirmed evil let’s get em!!! GO GO OGOGOGO!!!”

2 hours later…

“Hi magnus, glad you are here!”


So you can be relocated to the corner instead of the podium.

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I mean Magnus can be evil, I just happen to like Magnus as a player.


I don’t know what could have caused me to do a 180 bothing haooened in the thread since then

Amelia is (more likely than not) to be good-aligned, I think. There are no consequences to killing them besides wasting a day, but I’d sorta like to kill SDA more?

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There’s a difference there in what we’re saying.
I’m happy for Magnus to be here and playing.
This does not mean Magnus is just town.

Heck there’s even worlds where you’re good, Brakuren, and Magnus is evil.
I won’t rule that out.

By the way Litten, I hardclaim Saint.
Suffer the worldview.

magnus would never betray me

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I would never dream of it.

But the hosts might

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nah im town