BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

I am discussing my own ability

Im saying that me and someone could speedrun to f3

Oh fair enough, I’m tired.
I’ve been active this game since I’m in love with the balance of my own ability.

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The Otter clear feels like you’re underestimating people to understand the game they’ve signed up for. Receiving an evil Mayor would only be possible if an evil Mayor was submitted.

The Silviu and Bionic pair is slight. The Amelia thing you said earlier (nobody acting mad except for SDA) is more convincing but yeah.

So what is this evil team trying to do?

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Just try to survive? If they are evil, they aren’t controlling the thread much and are pretty much doing nothing.

No, indeed.

So why aren’t any of them trying to contact each other?

What world do you propose where I’m not evil in it?

I don’t think someone or derp are teamed for reasons.

VOTE: Brakuren

Difference check between you and Bionic (leaning against you because of whisper length), evil SDA and Someone because of the Vizier save and odd ability inversion, Harpy madness, redundant power.

If someone was evil, they tried to set up Derp in the whispers with me, which sounds too complex. Your world doesn’t really make much sense from my point of view either, considering their interactions.

rt worked let’s go @Litten @Someone

found a wolf!


you and your retweets


Odd given how Someone and SDA have been thinking along similar lines out loud, the former’s agreeing with anyone who’s whispered them, and the Vizier’s had nothing against SDA the entire game so that wouldn’t really match their external perspective.

External looks are deceiving, maybe you should have whisoered the vizier and joined our cult.

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I don’t want to be converted, no thank you.


oh wait littent.hinks I’m evil


Bionic feels evil

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