BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

Yes indeed

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This whole thing.
Someone’s ability assertively requires good voters and also checks the executee’s alignment. If you still think it’s a Townsfolk ability, Bionic is cleared.

I’m going to be real he shared nothing about his conditions, because I would be able to bend him over if I was evil his words, and I wouldn’t say them even if I knew them.

I don’t think this is confirming anything unless I misunderstand too.

Did they actually give you information during that whisper?

Read the entire interaction from when I quoted you.

Yeah, they did, that’s why I trust them. I believe they are telling the truth. They didn’t specificy the conditions of their ability though of why it works.

oh I see

Yeah. So it’s inconsistent behaviour for Someone to distrust Bionic despite that check, and it’s counterproductive to avoid sharing said information. We have an evil Vizier, it’s just not exactly vanilla probably.

I don’t think their ability specifies good people have to vote, but I understand your point more of why you refuse to talk with them - but I do feel like you are suffering from not knowing why his ability works, and I feel like that’s clouding your perspective. It’s a townafolk ability and it’s balanced in some way, at least, I believe it’s balanced.

VOTE: Someone

Alright… that makes sense.
Someone had the announcement thing.
And can force executions through (Apparently based on whispers)
Maybe the immunity is a lie.

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For the first line to be true, the rest of his ability wouldn’t really work imo

You have my permission to distrust the slot, Litten.

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VOTE: SirDerpsAlot.
VOTE: Someone.

The whispers thing was just a theory I brewed up, I don’t think it’s actually been proven by anything. But it would be really funny.

I mean if you vote for SDA it risks Someone sending it on Derps and not being executed lol

Someone wouldnt do that to me

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I don’t think they are aligned so if yoy think someone is evil then derps is town and vice versa
Ocram razor blah blah hlahb

Nor do I have any real fear of execution as someone has final say

the wincon for this game is to get to f3 with someone and gamer it

At that point they’d probably send it on Brakuren first, but fair enough.
VOTE: Someone.

Litten, vote Someone.

f3 is my win con too!