BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

What’s ur ultimate name

Ight it looks like magnus isnt going to be cooperative


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We have three openwolves here in a pen, so… you’re right.

like my new class name? Journalist

no ur ultimate name

Hey May, can we whisper?

its journalist I just forgot it said ultimate first lol


I’d invite Kiiruma but I understand why he’d turn it down, yeah.

what does this mean

@someone let me know before you take a shot

Do you think magnus is better then brak to hit

I don’t want to hit either

since brak reallly wanted to live 1 more day

Like if they are evil they are tied together heavily for the rest of the game and brak is claiming to learn the demon tonight

And the repvuointary might register falsely anyway

yea, so if I kill magnus, im gonna know if both of them are good


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the revolutionary misreguster one of them once a game