BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

Deep can heal them

To prevent them from dying like the FM Doctor? Or?

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Litten are you intentionally saying deep

Idrc just curious and I’m pretty sure it’s been a few times lol

I bet magnus is explaining how litten is super evil and how may shouldn’t trust me while I’m coordinating actions to make sure we maximize our chances of winning


Yeah he can make them sage from the demon

Another one of my downsides is Litten cannot use the letter R for your name

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Ayyy nice I like it

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I didn’t need that letter anyway


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Can litten just not use r at all lmao

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That’s why I think it’s optimal to invest a lot of resources into him, if he’s the demon he’s cornered while if he’s good being falsely prosecuted we win!
or kill a demon!

What’s the move?

I’m going to pick Brak tonight so Brak gets sober healthy and true info


Hmmm, okay. Not sure how that’ll make us win, but okay. Guessing you have a part of your role that I don’t know about then.

Brak is claiming to be able to find the demon n3

I’ve posted my character (Mostly) already:

Oh. Then I’m all for that plan.

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Because you picked no / disagree and silviu picked yes / agree, it activated the middle option. Me and Silviu both learned Leviathan (Your character)


Hey wait
That seems like it’s really worth it?