BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

Why did you choose leafia for that then

Yes, but it’s possible that it caused Leafia’s death.
It could also cause droisoning, players to appear evil when they’re not… who knows.
Because unlike the 2 Yes option, the players aren’t necessarily sober, healthy and get true info

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Leafia being sober / healthy was good since I trusted Leafia’s claim.
And it could create a huge confirmation chain


For some reason I thought leafia only gained ahilities of people killed at night

Yes. But if Leafia gains the ability of a player and can confirm what the ability is, it creates a confirmation chain between them both. And this could’ve snowballed. So ensuring Leafia cannot be poisoned was a priority.


Ah. Although I also claimed that my first post. I do think you’re being honest though. Curious though. What would’ve happened if I had agreed to betray Silvui?


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Both of you would’ve been sober, healthy and received true information + something bad may happen (IDK what that would’ve been)


You could choose both magnus and Brakuren so there isn’t really an excuse about someone not cooperating


It’s almost impossible to hide people not going with the plan.

Because if 1 of them chooses yes and the other chooses no then at least 1 of them learns a character and knows “Hm, I should’ve not learned this if we’d both chosen yes like we should’ve” so can out the other.

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this seems like a very fun outsider to be

Overall I think my character is pretty helpful but the unknown downsides + 1 more hidden thing more than make it into an outsider lmao

I know

I think something bad might happen → for sober and healthy means someone else in the town is poisoned
learning character → death of them

Agreed. I wish I had known that I was supposed to agree though, but oh well.

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I believe that the consequence can change.

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Anyway uh
What are our demon suspects again

I’ve asked Magnus this before because they seemed to he convinced I was evil, and I didn’t recieve an answer likely because they thought I was evil and I wanted to see if we shared any common ground there

I also remember hearing something about revival too. We have someone capable of that?