BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

you can’t just imp starpass to me like that

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@Magnus @Brakuren @otterpopd @Litten @Someone
I’m doing this message since yall are in the outer PoEs atm:

I will pick Brakuren + 1 more player. Both players need to agree to betray each other. As this will ensure that they’re both sober, healthy and receive true information. This should help us to solve.

Derps will be on Brakuren to ensure the demon cannot kill Brakuren. If Brak dies for any reason Derps dies immediately.

The person who’s supposed to be on me, stays on me to protect me since I’m a confirmed player. Tomorrow we discuss what to do and where our worlds lead us to.

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Feel free to select me as I’m an info role

Who do you think should be executed, assuming someone isn’t an option?

This does mean that there’s a decent chance Litten/Someone/Otter dies tonight.
That’s fine, the demon can kill into our outer PoE as much as they want.
We’re just slowly mech locking them out of being able to do anything to us.

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select me for your role since im protecting brak




There’s a second Monk who I might select instead.
I’m between the 2 Monks atm for the second player in the Brak thing.
Either way both players involved have to choose to betray each other.

If you pick derp, brak has no excuse for dying

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Plus: If I have just 2 players I’m outing that I’m making sober/healthy it means the evil team knows where they can fuck with our information. By having some wiggle room it means evils cannot coordinate as easily.

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That’s why I’m publicly saying that I’ll be doing Brak + 1 of the monks.
And both need to choose to betray each other.

Fair enough

Ima go now cya

flipless games are really hard

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I keep going over the lists on the playerlist and I think bionic is still the best kill today:

Hi. I’m back because May fell asleep, I think.
Litten is the best execution today.

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Today, what we should be doing is painting the picture that both magnus and Brakuren are good, because if they aren’t we will find out tonight if they don’t put their words where their mouth was with what they show tomorrow. I think Tutuu is good and my information backs up their claim, but t I cannot deny that it’s hard to world build still so leaving it open.


From my perspective and I know some people don’t share this perspective, derp and someone cannot be the same alignment, so at worst one is a wolf. And one of these guys is also a confirmed outsider too, which leaves the list even narrower. Magnus is claiming mechanical information backing up Amelia? And I’m claiming information that at least colloarbted tutuu claim which was pretty townie role, and since deep and someone can’t be w/w I think I’m probably just going to ask the Vizier to help get rid of bionic today, and we will go from there.
