BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

It’s a flipless game, it’s not going to be seen till post game

I’m an Undertaker’s Grandmother.

I know.

Regardless considering we do have a vizier in the game, I’ll like to note that I have confirmed my role to may, may knows that I’m telling the truth about my role based off my reaction to them, and atlas also knows I’m likely telling the truth about my role too, considering their claim.

Didn’t you claim to be my grandmother?

Grandmother was my Minion pick so I’m just messing around with that joke. I’m nobody’s Grandmother in actuality.

Leafia is town

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Ah okay.

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I think it’s really funny the person I accused is the person that confirms me.

Me and atlas think that for some reason, role name ultimates are swapped around

Your role name doesn’t match your ability
Neither does mine
Nor atkas

Any role can be evil Litten, just like any role can be good. Heading out now too so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

Not my role, it doesn’t provide ev to wolves

I think someone chose vortox and that’s why the ultimate names are wrong, wait

Why are we protecting our backup plan

Brak Leafia Atlas May Derp so far

I’m Ultimate Florist

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I’m unconvinced at this moment in time. A High Priestess-adjacent role isn’t confirmed by seeing someone important on the first night, not in this setup. Not when it’s May of all people, not when the details of your role seem unrefined and unclear from where I’m standing. But we’ll see.

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Good litten doing homework

Good litten doing homework

Good litten sent results to brak and atlas

Brak does my role seem refined