BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

Guys Amelia is the demon

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They are?


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What told you this

Someone let’s make this the fastest botc game ever


Amelia told you they were the demon?

No their posts

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I’ll provide a social read on everyone once I’m done with the bw

I kinda think Litten’s actually evil, though.

So looking at previous BOTC games, good!Litten usually turned his arrival into a joke; like when he commented about double-tasking as the Emperor in Fall of Rome, or calling an interaction between two other players fake in Hurdy-Gurdy Fanfare, or wished the evil team the best of luck as the Politician in Mathematician’s Hell. The recurring pattern is that Litten inserted his entrance into a chain, giving room for someone to respond comedically in kind or establish some rapport. This is most evident with the L.una account, where he joked about the alt account heavily. (The exception to this is the original Plague & Flowers run, where he was town but opened with a single word, but it was also that same word he was addicted to at the time.)

Evil!Litten, conversely, tends to just make the most neutral entrances imaginable to see if anyone else is around, and then quickly darts into a conversation to transition himself into the game. There’s nothing really memorable about them. Litten’s first message straddles the line between, neither impressing the group nor raising a need to question him about things. May pulls him into a chat, and… allegedly, Litten leaves the conversation with an adverse impression of May due to the mechanics of his own role, which sorta just sounds like a High Priestess who saw May (but he didn’t initiate the whisper, and he also quit it immediately, which doesn’t seem cohesive with that thought). Litten also hadn’t fleshed out the details of his character yet, since later on Atlas only sorta understood what it meant, as if he was making it up on the fly.

Now, ignore all that. Litten demands that he needs to whisper me. Why? The simple fact of the matter is that he didn’t, hence why he never raised the topic again, and he just wanted to say something impactful immediately. He backed down on the May push once Atlas spoke out against it. I struggle to see the scenario in which Litten quits a whisper early with May because he thought they were evil, when in other games like Serpent and the Swordsman he hung around her incessantly for his own amusement.

okay magnus is evil next

You haven’t voted the outed Vizier yet.

The vizer is cool

You’re thinking of Vizitor.

Magnus did the same thing where they make a bad push on someone in serpents, against atlas funnily enough.


Okay. I’ll trust it.

May likely town I feel.

Need a new member May, Litten, and Tutuu?

Tutuu probably town.

Yeah. I can see this.

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This is the exact same way Litten acted the last time he was suspected as a wolf.

Maybe I’m less polarixed than you think I am.

I found out Atlas was an intensely easy frame in the Unkindness game.

That remains to be seen.