BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

We have been at each other throats since day one

Fair enough

slowly hides tinfoil hat under the desk

p#25 could be your undoing if you dont manage it carefully
from our whisper

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you just replied to yourself

read my original reply

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oh ok lmao, thought you were talking to yourself

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i am
magnus is my mod alt


I’m picking up what you’re putting down. I appreciate the warning.

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Sometimes I wonder how I ever spot or notice problems with what I’m doing unprompted. Like. Noticing things and making connections is hard. And sometimes catch the little underlying parts of thought that are immediately discarded and it’s like ohhhh yeah I think hundreds of things per hour and just throw them out.

Like I was just opening a box of crackers, and then I decided I didn’t want them so I didn’t open the bag inside, and put it back with just the bag open. This is a very mundane normal action but the whole time I was thinking “will this cause thwm to go stale? No it won’t. Will this cause issues if somebody sees the open box and assumes the bag is open? No they can just open it. Will it ever trick somebody into opening a second box of crackers? No that doesn’t work that way”.

And it amounted to nothing. There were no problems with my action. But if there WERE, I went through every possible issue and would’ve caught them. And had I not been actively thinking about this, I would’ve immediately forgotten all those thoughts and never given it mind again. I’m always thinking.

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Also @Someone
I calmed down.
Do you still have any free whispers?


Eanna talk?

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thank god now we can actually follow through with our threats

im honestly sorry btw I panicked and felt it was the best option

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panicked what?

everyone was like NO NOT THEM

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/whisper @Someone