BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

Brakuren regularly lies about stuff that isn’t really suspciois to me it’s more me aggressively poking at him to get him to stop claiming people are lying when they accidently mispeak

Yeah, that’s my hardclaim. I’ve been giving it out since D1, I’ve been repeatedly consulting the STs in public since D1.

For some reason I thought that was just related to duchess

I said Amelia might have been drunk and retracted it, if that’s what you’re referring to. I am semi-clearing Amelia, but I’ve only shared why in private I think.

That’s the wrong fabled.

To be fair, Litten provably has an investigative ability according to May, so he’s probably not the Demon anyway due to the ~double evil kill and the self-nom comment, even if he doesn’t follow through with it.

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Given that Litten claimed “DA” for his Minion and “Hell’s Librarian” for his Demon, the latter sounds more interesting and real than the former which sounds like a basic enough lie for someone to make, as well.

Although that’s not really a strong read, it just caught my eye the first time I saw him say those picks.

I’m shocked nobody picked Demon-Townsfolk.

Leafia picked Leviathan apparently

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I forgot about that because she died immediately, yeah.
That was a rough kill.

See that’s also the problem
I’m looking at this situation and going “why are our world views so incompatible”
The only time I’ve had such an incompatible world view with someone in my career was months ago in a popcorn game, where I shot someone for having such a different world view of me and they were town.

And I’m much calmer right now that I’m basically running on fumes so I’m not aggressively pushing people for reactions or whatever

It’s not like I’ve not been trying this game to get people on the same page, I have multiple times asked people who they wanted to execute, and most people have ignored me.

And I think the main problem is you are making a lot of assumptions in a flipless game, the same fucking assumptions I’ve made when I went otter was evil, the same amount of assumptions I’ve made when I said someone else was evil in that game, I think my gameplay this game is simply a byproduct of both trying to overcorrect in two different ways and people not knowing how to handle me trying to overcorrect. I’ve posted a storm this game, made pushes, then immediately did 180’s sometimes and pushed some other ways. I don’t appreciate being boxed out of pushing things. When I try to focus on bionic today, you go out of your way to aggro on me and state that you are confident that they are town as though you are taunting me and wanting me to go after you, which is extreemlt anti town and it’s only really helpful if you are mafia trying to get inside my head

You are making assumptions that someone and derp are mafia because of what they have been doing in the thread. You would have known what they have been doing out of the thread if you had bothered whispering them, you would have known there was stuff going down behind the scenes, and yet you didn’t really bother because you didn’t really think it’s worth your time.

This is pretty much a wall but it’s mostly just a maybnovle wall where I whine

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What is this lmao???

No shot that paragraph comes from town

Another thing is that the Harlot probably wouldn’t kill Leafia if evil was ahead (courtesy of SDA), so that implies… good are ahead or there’s a triple killing Demon in specifically SDA’s slot?

My honest thoughts
If magnus is town they are making the same assumptions I’ve made that lost me the game in serpent, the same mistakes that has led to me playing this game that I have played so far.

“You are making assumption on Someone being Mafia because of what they have said in thread”

LIKE ???

See this is exactly what the paragraph was talking about.



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I’ve lost so many damn games by making assumptions

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So you are saying social reads don’t matter…
in a lizards game