BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

We’re Revolutionaries with our own characters.

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I don’t understand why you would want to whisper me regardless of alignment unless it’s adverse.


Because this is all a big misunderstanding

I want to fix your issues

There is one. But I promised Someone I won’t say it. But if you think about it, you should realize that it is a needed element.


I’ve been thinking about this alot Magnus but

FPOV of T!Someone why in the actual hell is he scum reading us for not wanting to whisper him? Wouldn’t evils not care about a potential “Whisper conversion”

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“I think Someone is evil”

Whispers Someone

“This person has never done a crime in his life”



If I need to, I will out both monk claims because I know that I know of both of them…
Though the fact that you got False for D2 means there’s a lotta bullshit going on :eyes:

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There is only 1

That has been resolved like 24h ago

We were talking about it.
There are 2.

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Only if you lied about your ability

oh you are right

Unless a player lied to me, there should be 2.
Since I know one from D1 and Derps outed as one D2

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I think May’s the only player who’s left a whisper with Someone still believing they could be evil, and even she said their claim sounded more believable at first.

For everyone else, we’ve just been sending two people off alone like it’s John Carpenter’s cult classic The Thing, and wondering why they’re intoning like the same entity.


Hm, if anything now that I think about it it puts a negative light on the 2 monk claims and not on me x3
Since it could be implying “There aren’t 2 monks”
But there are 2 monk claims so it should still show as true.


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I appreciate the acknowledgment. Apparently Derps was still just claiming General with the 1-shot protection for guessing which team was winning, though.

Bruh… Derps had better be using that protection tonight on Brak or Derps’ ass is grass tomorrow :stuck_out_tongue:

derp is chill smh