BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

I don’t think untraceable droison is likely to exist in lizards, and if anyone chooses to cooperate instead I’d like some insight on their character, which is why I’m requesting Tutuu.
They’ve been really hesitant to share their role with just anyone, which is why I think they’d be strictly motivated to ”betray”.

We’re basically making sure you cannot die tonight and that you get unpoisoned true information

I do not trust SDA to die correctly

SDA is chill

Minions. Plus my own ability could cause droisoning. The only way to ensure I’m not droisoning certain players is by picking them and them both making sure they have sober, healthy and true info by both betraying each other.

I don’t know about SDA.
But Someone saying they are good, so they won’t be the execution today.

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Unless SDA is the only nomination today, someone will hammer somebody else.

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The Outsider thing is fine, but… is “untraceable poison” not a thing that’s frowned upon in closed lizard setups?

Can I ask why you’re trusting Someone?

I would like to whisper a slot, but I don’t have a need to whisper magnus atm and I’m too terrified to whisper anyone else

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Not really, that’s why there’s often characters to counteract it too.

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They joined the hivemind


It still sounds sorta mean to do something like “throwing an unannounced Vortox into the game”.

Cuz their info makes more sense than you two’s.

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…so, everyone whos whispered someone has immediately and instantly townread them
i wonder why that is.


Do you think they have secret meetings, or do they just beam the thoughts directly into each others’ heads?


I’m not gonna let yall ignore this because It litterally destroys our Opposition’s world view

I told you already, I want to help resolve the disagreements