BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

You can also say SDA

Sardinian Ananas

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Who do you think the evil team is


that doesnt just learn the demon tho, and its n4 for that

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they technically can learn the demon n1

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This is what I’m most curious about
What’s ur solve

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Honestly thats my problem, once I find one evil, I can find the rest by following the trails, but rn im really at a loss

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It’s not as good as you think

neither is my role lmao

this is why you should whisper me

no team fits in my mind I’m just missint something

I agree, legit feels like maybe a dead person is evil but even then its wack

Never. Nuh uh. No way

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shhhhh its ok. you want to whisper me I know it

Don’t do it, once I whispered him I’m forced to town read and smile for the rest of my life


come to the light

I mean my fear is every vote on otter’s election is kill at night

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and that that is just a minion ability, which means normal demon also attacks

that was my theory when I saw the number of kills

I don’t think it’s balanced if that’s the case

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