BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

I mean its not hard, dont vote for the election

That was a theory which we had but that’s why we’re voting for me for Otter’s election. As then we can see what happens. I’m confirmed via outsider count.

Myself and Litten both agree that Otter’s entrance and claim felt pure. That’s why I think Otter’s like outer PoE by far and I’d only consider it if we have like a F4 of you, me, Litten and Otter. But I think game would likely be over by then anyway

but then who is a good vote

would be Silviu

one of bionic or Silviu is confirmed town

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Bionic, Derps, Silviu, Tutuu, Amelia are the main PoE
Off-shoots of Magnus and Brakuren (I think they’re evil, but give them a day to solve)

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wait how

one of them is an outsider in base 2
which means teams with both of them don’t work

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The issue is, I think they’re both claiming TF.
I mean Silviu is at least.

bionic never claimed townsfolk only a strong role

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if Silviu is claiming townsfolk then bionic is probably fine cuz idk any other outsider claims

True. But like I don’t really think Bionic would go “Hey I’m an outsider, that means I’m strong”
Unless my other theory is right: The other outsider chose Mutant. And cannot claim it.


It is possible an evil has a [-1 Outsider] modifier and I’m the only one.
But I do think it’s an alright rule of thumb to be trusting outsider count to be 2 until proven otherwise.

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So I’m disagreeing with lock-towning a player due to “Outsider count is off” but I can see reasons why they might be slightly less deep in the PoE than others there.

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My precious character. #1 in BotC
(Until Hermit is released… if it is released…)

ny stomach huera

im sure seve been discussing qho to executr 3 hours before eod, rigght


Well tell New York stomach to stop hueraing

The council is full of idiots so we dunno