BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

VOTE: Bionic

where did someone go

VOTE: Kiiruma Election

If someone isn’t showing up I’m not voting to save them because I’m curious as to whether or not they die

I think Someone is gone.

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VOTE: otterpopd’s election but i think that’s a bit moot
VOTE: bionic

VOTE: Someone

yall are gonna lose this game without me

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@Magnus @Atlas
Post post #88
Doesn’t really line up with #28 which is why i’m confused

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— Unofficial Votecount —

Someone (4): Brakuren, Magnus, Someone, Kiiruma
Kiiruma’s Election (3): Silviu200530, Magnus, Kiiruma
Bionic (3): otterpopd, Kiiruma, SirDerpsAlot
this (1): Marluna
Amelia (1): Someone
Magnus (1): Amelia
Kiiruma Election (1): Litten

Not Voting (5): Bionic, Leafia, Atlas, tutuu, May

Cups by Anna Kendrick starts playing

Sometimes I like to watch the world burn

Someone (5): Brakuren, Magnus, Someone, Kiiruma, Bionic
Kiiruma’s Election (4): Silviu200530, Magnus, Kiiruma, Litten
Bionic (3): Kiiruma, SirDerpsAlot, otterpopd
this (1): Marluna
Amelia (1): Someone
Magnus (1): Amelia
otterpopd’s election (1): otterpopd

Not Voting (4): Leafia, Atlas, tutuu, May


You done it yay

I will note, you want someone to have 2 extra votes if yoy want to test whether or not they actually die

whisper me tomorrow

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Bionic can you vote for Someone and also vote for my election in the same post?
(I kinda just want to assert dominance over Otter lol)
But don’t worry I’m being protected tonight by Silv so the demon cannot kill me.

If he is at 4-5 it’s ambiguous as to whether or not his own abikity saved him

crazy eod

If you insist.

VOTE: Someone.
VOTE: SirDerpsAlot.
VOTE: Kiiruma’s Election.

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idk what that does not risking it

Like I said yoy don’t want it 5-4